Head Comparison: Claudie to Other AG Dolls

This entry is for all the numbers crunchers and Fibonacci followers in the AG 18″ doll world. If you’ve been following this blog for the last couple of days, you know that I just picked up the new AG Historical doll, Claudie Wells. In an effort to figure out why her head looks so much larger than other AG dolls, I’ve dewigged the new doll and photographed her with several other face molds from both Historical and Truly Me lines. Actually, it was the last measurement of Claudie that gave us the answer! (Isn’t it always like that?) They’ve added 1/2″ to the top (height) of her head, compared to the average AG doll! They’d already heightened Corinne’s head by about half that distance, but Corinne doesn’t have the large head circumference to match.

Top of Ear to Top of Ear, Across Top of Head (in inches):
Claudie 6-3/4!!!
Corinne 6-7/16
Joss (Maritza) 6-1/4
Josefina (Evette) 6-1/4
Addy 6-1/4
Marie Grace 6-3/16
Classic (Tenney) 6-1/8
Joss 6-1/16
Nanea 6

Head Circumference at Glue Line (in inches):
Claudie 12
Joss (Maritza) 12
Josefina (Evette) 11-7/8
Addy 11-3/4 (bulbous crown, though)
Corinne 11-5/8
Joss 11-9/16
Marie Grace 11-1/2
Classic (older) 11-1/2 to 11-5/8
Classic (Tenney) 11-3/8
Nanea 11-1/8

Here are the photos I just took, comparing Claudie’s bald head to the others. Click on any image to enlarge.

Claudie & Corinne

Claudie & Maritza (enlarged Joss Mold)

Claudie & Evette (Josefina Mold)

Claudie & CYO Addy-mold

Claudie & Marie-Grace

Claudie & Tenney (Classic Mold)

Claudie & Joss

Claudie & Nanea

Sis and I took all the wig photos today, and I’m hoping to have them up some time tomorrow. It was interesting to see how this head shape affected the appearance of the actual wigs (one of my favorite parts of trying wigs on the dolls). And what a surprise when all the wigs fit the Claudie head. We didn’t expect that, with the large head and ears. Several of them were real stunners, too! Join us tomorrow, and you might be as surprised as we were.

For easy reference, these are the rest of the measurements from an earlier entry.

EAR LENGTH (top to bottom):
Nanea = 23mm
Kaya & Josefina = 25 mm
Addy & Corinne = 26 mm
Claudie = 28 mm

EYES (outer edge of eye to outer edge):
Addy & Kaya = 51 mm
Nanea = 53mm
Claudie = 54mm
Corinne = 55mm

FACE (from front of ear over nose tip to front of ear):
Nanea = 129mm
Claudie = 132mm
Corinne = 133mm
Addy = 157mm (her ears sit waaaaay back on her head)