Wool Week 2021 (Part 7): It’s Stuffy in Here

“Did Bunty say what time she’s coming? Doesn’t matter, really, because she’ll just let herself in. Did you warn her that the house has shifted and the door’s sticking right now? Okay, so let’s go over what’s on today’s to-do list. I’ve got three pet portraits for Marketplace orders, and you’ve got that guy’s coloring book to finish. Barring catastrophe, we should be able to clear our list and still have time left for visiting with Bunty.”
“That sounds good to me. Do you think we’ll have time to feed the sheep after that? Harold told me we were welcome any time. Can I eat my snack now, Bethany? Then when will it be time? Okay. I’ll get to work on the coloring book.” 9:00 71.2 degrees “Oh, good. The clock says that we have lots of time to get these commissions done. That clock is one grand thing, isn’t it, Bethany? Keeps me on track.”
“It does? Well, just make sure you keep track of how much time you spend on that project. I think I’m going to start with the cat. I just love doing pet portraits! Do you think it’s a little cool in the house this morning? Yeah, I heard what the clock said. I really don’t want to change to long sleeves, because they just drag across the paper and ruin my lines. Maybe we could close that window . . .”
“It’s gonna get hot in here if you close that window. Which pet are you working on? Oh, that one. Very cute. I need to sharpen my pencil. Where’s the sharpener? Hmm. That’s better. Bethany, I’ve been thinking. Wanna go to the art-supply store and check out the clearance aisle? I don’t know. When we’re done here.”
“I think we’d better work on one thing at a time, Liv. We already have artwork to finish and plans to visit with Bunty and Harold. Let’s see how the day goes, all right? If we have time, we’ll pop in. Now, let’s get to work. That coloring book isn’t gonna draw itself.”
“I think I hear the mailman, Bethany. Too early? Well, it must be someone else then. I’ll just go and see who it is.”
“So, who was it? I didn’t think so. If you don’t get started soon, we won’t have any free time later. Well, then get a cushion for the chair or stand up.” 10:00 71.5 degrees “See there, an hour has passed and you haven’t drawn the first line. Whose idea was it to get that stupid clock, anyway? Well, it doesn’t keep me on track. It just makes me nervous. Hey, Liv. Are you sure you don’t want to try this new paper? It’s really nice. I know, but it might be worth a try. Boy, it works really well with this set of pencils.”
“I’ve got the perfect idea for how to do this one. This cat is loaded with personality in the photo. Hey, Liv. I’ve been thinking. Why don’t we try my collars and bandanas in our mini-store at the Marketplace? I really enjoy making them, and people might like something handmade. I thought so, too. I’ve been thinking about a name for the store. How about ‘Sparty Party’? Great, but we need to come up with a logo before we can get cards and labels printed. There now, that’s one down. How’re you coming with the coloring book, Liv? Liv? How’s the coloring book going?”
“I haven’t started that, yet. There’s still plenty of time. Stop worrying. I’m just warming up with Baby Yoda. You know how it is . . . Well, you should know. You have to be “in the mood” to do stuff for that guy. But I’m already on my second sketch of Baby. For our comic book. I know, but I told you already, I still have plenty of time. Do you like this one or the first one better?”
“Oh, Liv. Yes, Baby is cute, but you really have to get that book done today.” 11:00 74.3 degrees “Oh, great! There’s the morning nearly gone. I think we can write off the art store and the sheep. Let me finish this second pet portrait before we stop for a snack. Besides, it’ll give us a chance to clean up this table and start fresh this afternoon. Start being the operative word here, Liv . . .”
“There! That’s two down and one to . . . LIV! What are you doing?! What in the world are you going to do with three Baby Yoda sketches? I don’t know. Maybe we can sell them in the mini-store. But you really do need to concentrate on your commission work first. Have your snack, while I clean up this mess.”
“What mess?”
“I love chocolate chip cookies. But it looks pretty big. I’ll save the C&PB for later. It’s really nice to sit down for a minute.”
“I ate my cookie earlier. I’ll have my celery now. What will we snack on later? Oh, good. Can we open the window now?”
“Which one is your favorite sheep, Bethany? Of Harold’s sheep, I mean. I like Ruth the best. If I had a lamb, I’d want one just like Ruth. That’s really nice coloring you’re doing on that pooch portrait. What coloring? I’m just sketching. Can’t you see? I’m still warming up. Bet I get more done today than you do. I’m already on number four. Stop it. There’s still plenty of time for that.” 12:00 75.1 degrees “I’m definitely opening the window.”
“Oh, no! I just thought of something else. And it’s going to be my cutest one yet. Don’t you just love having a whole day to sit and draw? There! All done! Which one is your favorite? And I got FIVE done — with time to spare! Maybe we have time to see the sheep before Bunty gets here. Want me to call her?”
“Oh, Livie. They’re all adorable, but you definitely have to finish the coloring book before we can go anywhere. Okay . . . um . . . I guess I like #5 best. No reason, I just like it. There’s nothing wrong with the rest. Why don’t you have another snack? I can’t work one more minute in this royal mess. No, we’re not done. I have to color these in before Bunty gets here, and you have​ to start the coloring book drawings.”
“I thought you were just doing sketches, Liv. How soon? Let me see that. Boy, that’s really cute. What did you use to mix that Baby-green color? Okay, well just finish that one and straight to the coloring book. Okay? Liv?”
“Okay, just this one. I just love​ Baby Yoda! And this new brush is great!” 1:00 71.8 degrees “That’s better. I knew we needed to open that window. Huh? I was just talking to the clock. Ha! Are you done? Me, too!”
“Hey, it’s Bunty! And just in the nick of time . . . I mean, right on time. Come on in! We’re just finishing up here, and you’re just in time to see what we’ve been working on all day. Yes, since early this morning. We’ve been at it all day, with hardly a break. You know what they say, ‘No rest for the weary.’ Is that right, Bethany? Well, close enough.”
“Hi, Girls! You weren’t kidding, the house really has shifted. Well, I won’t keep you long, but I’d love to see what you’re working on. In fact, you could say it’s why I’m here. Cute shirt, Liv! The fresh air from that window sure feels nice today, doesn’t it? Wow, you two have been BUSY! How super cute!
“Would you like a snack? How ’bout a cold Vernor’s Ginger Ale? Would you like to sit in the other room where it’s cooler? We just opened the window in here, so it’s still a little stuffy.”
“No, thanks. Really, I’m great. Did you guys hear what my brother did? You didn’t? Maybe we should go in the other room and sit down. You won’t believe it, but he bought me . . .”
“. . . very exciting, and I can hardly wait to show it to you. Eliot is an amazing brother. Say, I really like this guide dog, and Jill and Silver would love Baby Yoda. No, you’ll have too many kids there to spend this much time on each one. I think we need to stay with some simple black-and-white sketches. I’m thinking ‘5-minute Portraits’ or something like that.”
“Hmm? Well, there’s the most amazing stretch of beach next to my new shop. I thought maybe you could set up there. In the sand, yes. Pete’s assured me that he can set the easel up so it doesn’t sink down or fall over. And that boy can make anything work! Sure, we’ll borrow a beach chair from Benny and Nanea. How many would you need? Well, think about it and let Pete know. He’ll get you whatever you need.”
“Gotta run, now. Harold’s waiting for me at the sheep pen. He’s going to take a last look at Sheepie’s leg. Thanks for asking. I think it’s fine, but I just want to be sure before I let her out in the pen with the rest of them. Sure, Liv, you’re welcome to stop by any time. They love company! Glad this is going to work out. I think your portraits’ll be a popular attraction at the Wool Week Street Fair. Hope you get that coloring book done, Liv. Thanks for the chat. By the way, Bethany, remind me to show you my new stock of drop spindles. And the yarn bins have been restocked, too. Well . . . we’ll be setting up all day Friday and Saturday. Stop by any time. But be careful, I might have to put you to work. Toodle pip!”
“Toodle pip?”