Wool Week 2021 (Part 6): The Heirloom Sign

“Hang on one second, Girls! The phone is ringing . . . Hi, Harold! Right now? Okay, but tell him I have to shower first and change. I’ll get there as soon as I can. Do you need me to bring anything from the house? All right. Guess I’ll pick up my walkie talkie when I get there. Actually, why don’t you put it in Eliot’s scooter? That way I won’t forget it. Okay, see you soon . . . I’m back, Girls. Do you know how long we’ve been Skypeing? What happened to our very quick question? Ha ha! Harold just called to say that Eliot wants me to meet him downtown as soon as possible. Oh, I don’t know. But I’ve gotta run. I still haven’t showered! See you tomorrow!”
“Eliot, I think your sister is going to love this! I just wish I’d thought of it first. Do you think we should hide the sign or just leave it for her to see when she gets here? Oho! You’re right. She is probably going to keep it as a family heirloom. Here she comes. Let’s just stand here nonchalantly and see if she notices it. Not zoned out, Eliot . . . nonchalant . . . And break it to her slowly.”
“I bought you something, Bunty.”
“Way to go, Eliot. Nice and slow . . . Let me do it. Hey, Bunty. Heard you had an “outing” with Albie this morning. Really, why won’t you consider a bell around his neck? Whoa, whoa. Okay, sorry I brought it up. Anyway, we asked you to come into town, because your brother’s had an idea. We’ll give you one clue. It has to do with that sign over there. No, not the Pono’s Market sign. The other sign. Oh, Bunty. Why would your brother want you to go into the real estate business?  Just think for a minute. You have a problem, Eliot has the solution, and it has to do with that ​other sign.”
“Harold, go get Bunty’s walkie talkie and put it in my scooter. Fast, man. Bunty, I think I’ve found the answer to your Wool Week problem. How would you like a store of your very own, right here on Main Street, where you could store your sheepy stuff and hold regular sales and events? I’m being very serious. That’s what Harold was hinting at. See the “SOLD” sign on the window? I closed the deal with Henry this morning. It’s all yours.”
[What Bunty and Eliot said to each other at this point in time is very private. Let’s leave it just between brother and sister. Hint: Bunty is very happy and grateful!]
“Well, Bunty? Whaddya think? Yes, he is the best brother. And the best chum. So, now that your Wool Week event has a venue, we’d better start making plans. You know, there isn’t much time left, and we have to notify everyone about the change, and I’ll have to order in extra supplies at the diner . . . Oh, we’d better let the other Merry Men know what to expect, too, so they can stock up their stalls. Eliot, your timing was perfect for lighting Main Street! Yes, Bunty, his timing is always perfect! Whaddya think about . . .”
“Oh, Eliot! I still don’t know how to thank you enough! Is it really ours? Mine? Like, my very own? Oh, I don’t know. I’ll have to think about that. A name is very special, and I want my store to have the perfect name. Something original, something unique . . . no not ewenique . . . something that encourages creativity. I’ll let you know. Well, how long does it take to get a sign made? You can’t rush something like naming your very own sheep shop. That’s it! We’ll call it Bunty’s “Sheep Shop”! That’s just perfect! What do you think, Harold? Says it all, doesn’t it? Are we allowed to keep that “SOLD” sign? We are? Well, don’t wrinkle or bend it on the way home, and make sure you leave it flat on the Dining Room table. I’ll treasure it forever as a memento of one of the best days of my life. Now, Harold, about that . . .”
“I can open the Diner for pizza, of course, but what will we do about drinks and snacks? If you’d like, I could ask the Merry Men to come up with something. Do you think we’ll have a large crowd? This is a much smaller space than we’ve had in previous years. And what about advertising? And do you think we should cut down that big tree over there? Why don’t we ask . . .”
“Which tree, Harold? Oh, that one? We’ll probably be okay if we leave it there.  What about garbage cans, though? And OH NO! Where will we put the sheep? What petting zoo? There isn’t room on the street, and I don’t think anyone will be very keen on us putting them on the beach. Dirty sand, you know. Maybe we’ll have to forego the Petting Zoo this year. And did I tell you that Jill and Silver dropped by today to offer their services as the official Gift Wrappers for Wool Week? Really, no kidding! They’ve got a cart with wheels and everything. They could just roll through the crowd and wrap packages. No, not over there, over by the storefronts. And I’m going to call . . .”
“Harold, what do you think about the state of this road? Do you think it’ll hold up to a lot of foot traffic? Eliot, do you think we should get Pete down here to re-pave it? Eliot? Oh, you’re leaving? I’ll see you back at the house. Harold and I have a lot to talk over. What? No paving? Okay. It was just a thought. Harold, do you think– Oh, and Eliot, please don’t forget to be careful with my heirloom sign. What? What’s so funny? You boys are always laughing at mysterious things. All right, so back to business, Harold . . .”
“Methinks it’s going to be a long week. Uh-oh. Almost forgot to check back with Priscilla. Those two will be hours, and they’ll never miss me. I wonder what’s on the telly.” Beep, beep.