It’s hard to believe that we brought Nanea home four years ago today! I feel like she’s been my special doll forever. We had been down to the AGP store in Columbus a few days earlier, which was the first time we’d seen a Nanea doll. I didn’t like it at all, but after meeting a grandmother there who was actually crying from happiness because Nanea looked exactly like her granddaughter (whose father was from Hawaii) . . . well, Nanea looked pretty beautiful all of a sudden. Sis told me that I should take a Nanea doll home rather than come back a few days later to get it. She was that sure I’d want one! I didn’t listen, though. And, sure enough, there we were back at the store a few days later to pick up my adorable girlie! She’s had a bit of customizing since then with a new “hair trim”, but it’s that irresistible face that just won me over four years ago.

In honor of today, I thought I’d post some very cute pictures actually taken in our garden last May. It’s been cold here so late this year that we’re not as far advanced with flowers, but they’ll be coming soon!

Here’s Nanea taking a break near some of the Poppies, Star of Bethlehem (white flowers), Weigela bush, and Iris plants.

And here she is wandering among some yarrow and daylilies, smelling white blossoms from the Honey Locust trees. Well, it’s off to celebrate and have some fun in our own very rare sunshine today. A lot more Islandshire photos coming soon, so stay tuned!