You’ve got to check this out! Wish I could take credit for coming up with this, but I owe the whole idea of turning the American Girl Claudie doll into a boy to my grand-but-older Olympus camera. When the usual wig photos were finished late two nights ago, I downloaded the pix from the camera to the PC and went to work on a blog entry. Before going to sleep, I went to turn the camera off and — ooffff . . . about a third of the downloaded files had turned into gobbledy-gook folders. On this camera with this PC, that means one thing. Gone for good! I made a quick list of what was “missing” and turned everything off. Somewhere in the middle of the night, I realized that several more were missing, too. And one of them was the AG CYO Pixie wig which had looked so cute on her.

As we set up to re-shoot the next day, I made mention of what a cute boy Claudie would make in a trimmed Pixie if we removed the bottom lashes. Boy, oh, boy! We grabbed a bunch of boy wigs and started shooting. Wow! Not a clinker in the bunch! We went from thinking that we weren’t going to keep a Claudie doll to knowing that we needed this doll for a boy! The only other time we had this grand a reaction was when we saw Benny for the first time (formerly Nanea). This Claudie doll customizes perfectly to be a boy! I’m posting all the boy photos here with the painted lashes having been removed digitally in Photoshop, since we haven’t had time to take them off the doll yet.

P.S. If you were considering making a brother doll (as in Jody) for Claudie, you can’t get better than this!

Click on any images to enlarge.

AG CYO Dark Brown Pixie Wig

Monique “Dutch Boy” Black Wig

Monique “Johnny” Black Wig

AG TM #75 Wig

AG TM #77 Wig

And for all those who have been asking which wig choice we decided on for Islandshire’s newest resident . . . we’d like to introduce Ammy’s brother, Sidney!

Stay tuned in the next day or two for photos showing Claudie’s wig modeled on other AG dolls. If you like curly wigs, this one is a really nice choice, and it looks great on a lot of dolls in all the skin tones that you wouldn’t expect!