For those of you who know Islandshire, I don’t have to explain who Brighton is. In case you’re new here, Brighton is a very special friend of Eliot and Bunty and a regular visitor to the island. Oh, right . . . if you’re new, you also don’t know Eliot and Bunty . . . or what the Redhead Club is . . . Let’s see. Now, where did I put those earlier stories? Ah . . . here they are:   Just check out Bunty’s Wool Week entries.

Now, back to Bunty and the gift for Brighton. Oh, good. We made it before they finished packing everything up . . .

[Dialogue key = Bunty    Eliot   Harold]

Now, let’s see. Eliot, would you please look at what’s on the table and tell me if anything is missing?
Yep. The kitchen sink. How’re you going to pack it all up?
What? Oh, funny boy! I’ve got it all figured out. I think I hear someone coming up the walk. Will you see who it is, please? I’ve got to triple check to make sure I don’t forget anything. You know me. Memory of a mouse.

Oh, good, it’s you. (Eliot! It’s Harold!) I was hoping you’d show up this morning. Do you think– Oh, dear. I hope that isn’t for Brighton’s box.
And Good Morning to you, too! Full, eh? Don’t worry. We’ll get it all in. I stayed up half the night making these for the Redheads, and they will fit. No, I was out in the barn with Carper. He’s clean now, but it took me ’til the wee hours of the morning to get those burrs out of his fleece. Don’t let your sheep into that meadow northeast of the barn until I’ve bushhogged. What a mess! So, where do you want me to put these?

I’m sure I haven’t forgotten anything, but what d’you think? Think Brighton would like the cookbook I worked from? Oh, Eliot! Harold said we’ll be fine with whatever I want to send. Didn’t you, Harold?

What I said was that the cookies would fit. But don’t worry ’bout it. You just get everything together, and Eliot and I will find some way to ship it.

Hey, Bunty, you’d better watch your brother. He’s got both eyes on those Cornish pasties, and you know what that means. An empty plate! Ha ha!
E-l-i-o-t! Don’t even think about it! Those are for Brighton’s Christmas dinner!
I was just admiring your baking skills. Can’t a fella just look? But now that you mention it, I could use a snack before we get started with the heavy work–[Imagine Sister’s withering glance.] Okay. We’ll go find something to put this in.

Wait a minute, Eliot! What kind of Christmas box is this, anyway? I don’t think I recognize much on this table. Cool . . . hey, that cheese looks just like what we make. Wow, Bunty! Did you make all this baked food? Let me see that cookbook. Maybe you should keep it. And are those cheesy potatoes?! Eliot, we need to leave, or I am going to need to eat again. Tell you what, Bunty. You send the cookbook to Brighton, and I’ll buy you one of your own. I’m warning you, though, it’ll be the most selfish gift I’ve ever bought. Ha ha. Let’s go, Eliot! The sooner we ship this off, the better it’ll be for my stomach. What’s that? A box of Poldark Fairings? What are Poldark Fairings? Okay. Okay. I’m coming. Let’s go to my place for a minute. I think I have the perfect thing . . . [Outside] Scooter running allright? We’ll need it to get back with the box. Okay, I’ll run on ahead, and you meet me at my back door . . .

Let’s see, now. Still feels like something’s missing. I know! Where are the Saffron buns? Oh, here you are, my little dainties. In you go! Now, let’s have one last look! Looks just like I dreamt it’d look! I do hope Brighton loves opening her Poldark Cornish hamper as much as I did making it! Hmm, I wonder what’s in Harold’s little bags. Just a peek, and . . . ooh, aren’t they adorable?!

Here you go, Bunty! Look at what Harold had sitting his mudroom. His order from the General Store arrived in it yesterday, and it’s really nice and clean. What d’you think?

Oh, it’s just perfect! Where are we going to get enough packing at so late a date– Aren’t you two just the cleverest things ever? You always think of everything! Set it down over there, and we’ll start packing right away. I’d like to ship it today, while the food’s still fresh! What? Yes, I think Brighton needs ALL of those pasties. I’ll make some more for you later, if you promise to help me get this out the door today! Where’s Harold?

Do you want to wait for Harold to get back, or can I just start handing things to you? All right. Do you think he’ll be long? No, I’m not being impatient. I just want Brighton to have it right now. Do you think she’ll like it? I know that Poldark is one of her favorite shows, but . . . do you know why her dog is named Truro? It’s the county town of Cornwall, and she loves everything Cornish.

Brighton’s great. Maybe we’d better get started. Harold’s rigging a trailer to the scooter, and it might take him a while. So, what do you want to start with? That? You’re sending the skillet, too? Well, why didn’t you bag everything up while we were gone? I’ll go and see if Harold needs anything. That should be enough time for you to get ready.

We’re back! Ready? Wow, you packed that all by yourself? Way to go, Bunty! It looks so professional! Maybe you should offer food hampers at the Sheep Shop. Just kidding. Just kidding. Eliot, let’s get this loaded up and out of here. Next stop Wisconsin! I bet Brighton loves it! Boy, it sure does smell good in here, Bunty. Maybe you’ll have a snack ready for two hard-working delivery boys when they get back. [Outside] Impressive, Harold. That trailer rig looks great. Do you think Bunty realized we weren’t kidding about the snack? Okay, you sit back there with the hamper, and I’ll make sure we don’t hit anything on the way. That was a joke, Harold . . .

If you’re interested in learning more about the hamper items, visit our Behind-the-Scenes blog entry for specifics.

3 thoughts on “A Special Gift for a Lovely Friend

  1. Once we get the photos from Brighton showing her receiving the hamper, we’ll post the second half of the story. Shortly after that, Sarah will be doing a post showing many of the individual food items and clothing and explaining how to make or where to buy them. Glad you like them!

  2. So charming. The AGs are dressed so nicely like people of good taste. And the food basket is so detailed and everything looks interesting and like it would have special flavors no one knows about unless they are from another country. You are so good at scenes and stories.

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