We’re only a week away from Claudie’s release, and I’m pretty excited with the photos of her that have begun to surface. It’s been great inspiration to finish these 1920s archaeological-themed accessories, which all came about from the research for some of the previous posts about making a 1920s character during the King Tut Craze and the matching King Tut Fashions. For anyone wanting to add to Claudie’s collection or make their own Estelle collection, here are some doll-sized items that make for some fun accessories and photo props.

Click any image to enlarge.

There are two newspapers (including the special edition for the Central City “King Tut Market Week” in May 1923, along with a pile of clippings that Estelle and Claudie would enjoy reading and adding to their scrapbooks. For reading material, they have the April 1923 LIFE magazine and May 1923 National Geographic. There are double-sided maps to help plan their adventures (or study the travels of the real archaeological teams), and some bedroom decor in the shape of King Tut statues — exactly what every girl needs!

We’ve listed some of these accessories in the Etsy store, and keep your eyes open in future Islandshire photos — Henry and Vesey are adding this to their own collections and plan to showcase some of it in later events.

Here are some random photos of different accessories. I think the clippings were the most fun to make, because they’re so little and fun to cut. They have authentic newspaper printing on the back of them, too!

With a bunch of accessories all made, it’s a matter of waiting the week to see Claudie and her collection released. To keep busy, though, I do have several more doll accessories “in the works” to pass the time. And there’s a whole pile of lava-rock beads sitting here that Nanea would really like me to turn into necklaces for her shell stall. So many dolls and so little time!

2 thoughts on “Handmade 1920s Archaeology Accessories

  1. That is all so awesome, Tirya really wants the king tut bust and things. She loves all that too, we are happy that you are going to have some on sale.

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