“Forever H&A Maui” Hawaiian Doll Dresses

Over the past six weeks, Nanea has received two dresses from a fabulous shop on Maui, so it’s time for a “Fashion Fun” spotlight. Let’s talk about Nanea’s newest favorite: Forever H&A Maui Hawaiian Dresses. (If you missed them, be sure to check out the previous entries to see a LOT more photos of Nanea modelling the flowery cuteness.)

It’s a bit of a joke here that Nanea likes to change. A lot. She has quite a few outfits. In fact, she regularly donates “old” outfits to The Thrift (what Islandshire kids call the doll closet) to make room for new fashion in her house. Since bringing her home, I don’t think Nanea has stayed in the same outfit longer than a week or two. That is, until she got the yellow dress above! She wore that for a whole month (and only changed when she got the new red dress), so she really wants to share more about these new beauties.

Forever H & A Maui is a shop featuring a variety of dresses for dolls and girls. Not only can your 18″ dolls get a souvenir dress, but there are things for Barbie and Wellie Wishers, too!

Click on any images to enlarge.

Dresses for the 18-inch dolls are mostly $19.00 for a dress/necklace/hair accessory combo. The Forever H and A Maui website is down right now, but here’s the business card with contact information via social media or e-mail. They’re very friendly and were kind enough to send a lot of these photos! And, for all of us who don’t live in Hawaii, they’re more than willing to ship (I think I better not mention that to Nanea). Just contact them about the styles and colors that are currently available, since stock is always changing.

There’s one beautiful deluxe fashion option priced at $23.00, so I’m going to show that off here before getting to the other dresses.

There are lots of everyday styles to choose from as well, and the array of color is just so . . . appealing. At least, that’s what Nanea thinks! I did manage to talk her out of the hula outfit, because she owns five grass hula skirts. Probably enough, considering the size that her closet is not.

Nanea’s yellow dress velcros up the back, while her red one goes on over the head. It has elastic at the neckline and the waist, so it wasn’t hard to put on at all. Here’s the style of Nanea’s red dress, which I have to rate with a gold star and an A+. This really suits the American Girl doll shape well — and makes the perfect thing for that trip to visit January Lotus on Kalalu (if you don’t know January Lotus, check out the 1950s film, Ma and Pa Kettle on Waikiki). That’s Nanea’s dress in the second picture, showing the shell necklace and hair flower that came with it. That set was $19.00.

The colors and availability change, so use the contact info on the Forever H & A business card above to ask about what they’re currently stocking. Nanea recommends the final dress above in each color. She thinks that having fifty-two of them (one for each week) would be ideal. We’re going to have a serious chat about the size of her closet. Aloha, and check back soon for some more doll fun!