Sarah here.

We head back home to Ohio this coming Wednesday, but there’s still a bit left to do here in Florida! Sorry for the three-week sabbatical, but we’ve been so so busy having fun that we haven’t had time to sit at the laptop. We’ve got thousands of pictures, though, and several fun photo stories to post in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for a look at Benny & Nanea’s vacation journal. Until then, thought you’d like to see a few of our BTS (Behind the Scenes) photos taken at Disney’s Polynesian Resort. We lived at Gramma’s house for the three weeks, about 70 minutes east of Disney, so we did a fair amount of fabulous Disney resort-hopping.

And, oh, yes . . . 29 days of blue skies. We haven’t had that many back home in north Central Ohio over the last six months (no joking). One could get very used to this.