Dan Duryea Central: Search by TV Show


Written and Posted by Sarah
This is by no means an complete list of Dan D.'s appearances on television (see IMDB), rather it is a list of the shows that are covered on this website. As I add things online, the show names will appear in this list. Just click on the name of any show listed below. I'm continuing to post new things all the time (and have a lot to work on!), so if you don't see what you're looking for just keep checking back! You can also send an e-mail to me at DanDuryeaFan@columbus.rr.com

The Cliff Grundy Story (for Wagon Train), 1957

This Man Must Die (for Zane Grey Theater), 1958

The Hour of the Rat (for The U.S. Steel Hour), 1958

Tears on a Painted Face (for The Wide Country), 1962

The Sound of Fear (for The Daniel Boone Show), 1965